A Collaborative effort of Medical Information for New Puppy Owners was created for download by anyone wishing to add it to their puppy packet.
While it was Approved by a Veterinarian, it is NOT meant to replace proper Vet Care
Here to Download the Puppy Medicine Chest

Household Medications for Pets

The following is a list of human medications commonly found in the household. These same products can be used with pets.


Canine Dosage

Common Use

Buffered Aspirin
5 mg per pound every 12 hours pain relief, anti-inflammatory
Vitamin B 1/2 to 2 ml subcutaneously every 24 hours used as an appetite stimulant
Benadryl 1 to 2 mg per pound body weight every 8 hours treat allergies, itching, reaction to insect stings, etc.
Chlorpheniramine 4 mg every 12 hours treat allergies, itching, etc..
Dramamine up to 50 mg every 8 hours used to reduce car sickness
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 10 ml by mouth every 15 minutes used to induce vomiting after accidental ingestion of a poison
Epinephrine 1:1,000 1/10 to 1/2 ml intramuscular or subcutaneously used to treat reactions following insect stings bites or medications
Pepto Bismol 1 tsp. per 5 pounds every 6 hours used to relieve vomiting or stomach gas, diarrhea
Di Gel Liquid up to 4 tbs. every 8 hours antacid and anti-gas
Maalox Same as Di Gel antacid and anti-gas
Mineral Oil up to 4 tbs daily used to eliminate constipation

1 ml per pound every 2 hours

for diarrhea
Tylenol (acetaminophen) not recommended  
Ibuprophin, Motrin, Nuprin not recommended  
Imodium follow child dosage for diarrhea
The following are common antibiotics prescribed by veterinarians. Listed is the usual dosage and indications. Please follow the advise of your veterinarian when using antibiotics.


Canine Dosage

Common Use

Amoxicillin 5 mg per lb every 12 hours used to fight bacterial infections
Ampicillin 10 mg per lb every 6 hours used to fight bacterial infections
Tetracycline 10 mg per lb every 8 hours used to fight bacterial infections
PEN BP-48 (each ml - 150,000 units Penicillin G. Benzathine and 150,000 units Penicillin G. Procaine) 1 cc per 20 lbs every 48 hours subcutaneously used to treat bacterial infections
Procaine Penicillin 300,000 units per ml 1 ml per 30 lbs subcutaneously antibiotic to fight bacterial infections
Erythromycin tablets 5 mg per lb every 8 hours antibiotic to fight bacterial infections



This Table by the Kindness of Barb McGuire, Encore Shepherds

Copyright 1999 - 2010 By SpiderWoman

This Page available for Download
A Collaborative effort of Medical Information for New Puppy Owners was created for download by anyone wishing to add it to their puppy packet. It was Approved by a Veterinarian Click Here to Download the Puppy Medicine Chest